Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Conformism, Our Nation in Peril

Here’s my take on the new laws of the land, like it, love it, or hate it, this is my opinion and I’m as much entitled to it as you our yours whether or not we agree! I don’t necessarily agree with the Supreme Court’s decision, but what’s done is done and I feel like I finally need to speak my mind. I will not apologize for my opinion, and I don’t expect you to apologize for yours either!

Life has a funny way of teaching us who is true and who is not, I believed that more of my friends on social media were Christians than what really are, true Christians that is. I know who is a true Christian and who is not simply by how they have reacted to the current Gay Rights issues. I know, now you want to know how I can tell, right? Well let me tell you this, not once did I bash anyone’s life choices, I know I’m not perfect so why should I? I saw several people bashing gays with their scripture, please don’t call yourself a Christian if this is what you wish to do with God’s Word! He says He loves us ALL, and the He is the only judge. So for my “Christian” friends that are hating on the gays, please, reread your Scriptures! On the other hand there are my “Conformist Christians.” I like this term because that is what I see happening, conforming to what society wants from them instead of what God has intended for them. I know what the Bible says about homosexuality, it says it is an abomination unto the Lord. I know that God loves them just as He loves me and my sins, but until we repent and quit repeating our sin(s) He will be disappointed. So please if you are claiming to be Christian but chose to believe that God does not see it as a sin, you also need to reread those Scriptures. The last type of Christian I see  is the very few who have reminded us that God loves us ALL, God will forgive us as sinners, we are ALL sinners, and that their sin is no greater or less than the rest of our sins.  Those very few I applaud you and recommend that you continue to read God’s Word and follow it as you are, because you are being the best Christian you, or I, can try to be!

I know this post will likely cause several people to be angry with me, and that’s ok that means you took the time to read it! I’m not trying to make you mad but if I did please feel free to talk to me so I can explain to you how I came about this post! If you don’t want to talk to me about it that’s fine too.  I will be praying for everyone of you that reads this, no matter which type of Christian you fall under, I will do my best to love you all the same as I did before this post but I can’t promise I will like you all as much. Much like God I try very hard to love everyone the same, and much like God when you hurt me it doesn’t take away that love (usually) but I may not be happy with you for a while.  Forgiveness is something we all need to work harder on, but that’s a different post all together!

~May God’s Light Shine Upon You Daily~

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